Educating the youth on their career choices and the ability to get a skillful career in life. The world focuses functionally on technology, IT-related courses, and entrepreneurship.
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Employment Freedom
Unemployment is a great problem in Ghana. This is because students are not educated on skillful careers, basically focusing on "STEM".
Educating students on skillful careers will reduce unemployment and create employment freedom.
Decent Work and Economic Growth. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Educating pupils on skillful courses to go with on their way forward to Senior High School.
Educating students on skillful courses and vocational training opportunities to acquire towards tertiary planning.
Guiding Tertiary Students on skillful and practical versions of acquiring jobs and business settings.
These personalities will be linked to skill-oriented courses to enable them to start their own businesses. These skill-oriented courses include robotics, virtual assistant, content creation, software development, website development, and fashion designing.
Personalities according to our focus will be educated on the ability to acquire a general knowledge of STEM and Vocational related jobs in order to set up their own business in the absence of employment.
This is the best point is to educate females about STEMVED, the importance of education, and the need to acquire these skills.
This consist of girls who drop out of school due to one or two reasons such as a broken home, teenage pregnancy, and poverty among others. They will be introduced to skillful activities such as woodwork, welding, metal works, make-up, and the making of pastries.